Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Amazing Grace

Ha! I am so far behind the times - have tonight heard Chris Tomlin sing Amazing Grace and love the bridge which states:

"My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, My Saviour 
has ransomed me
And like a flood
His mercy reigns
Unending love
Amazing Grace"

(sigh) it is always so good to be reminded of Gods grace and love.

I heard those words and just thought "YUSS! That is me."

Pretty cool, hey.

So today is day 16 of a 21 day Daniel Fast and at lunch I was asked

"So what has God been saying to you?"

My immediate response was "Nothing. I don't know." followed quickly by "I'm sure He's been saying stuff..."
It made me wonder, in all seriousness, how do I define how I hear God? How do any of us define how we hear God?

Roughly nine years ago, PB and I were sitting in a connect group with about 20 other people, we both turned to each other at the same time and said
"We need to get married." Without a doubt, that was God. We had a son together, had been on and off dating over a three year period, we were friends but not a couple at the time and yet exactly the same moment in chorus shared the same thought. We married three months later and we were BLESSED!! The church, the reception venue, the band, the cars, the photographer, everything fell into it's perfect place. God confirming His voice.
Happened again moving to Hawkes Bay. Though I have missed my family immensely, it has only highlighted that I am where God wants me to be.
So, today, 16 of 21 days of Daniel fasting and I am asking again,
"What have you for me , Lord?"

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